Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New Day Up Ahead

(Don't worry, those tears are from plucking my eyebrows. I decided the tears would make a good photo opportunity.)

A new day for my photography, hopefully! So maybe if you've talked to me lately, you've heard me complaining about how I haven't taken many photos recently and that I miss photography. Well I have found a solution (hopefully)!

Work and uni have consumed for the last couple of months. My weekdays are jam packed, rushing between work and uni. My weekends are full of study and church. This leaves little time for me to go out (with friends, preferably) and take photos. I want to be able to carry my DSLR around every day, but it's just too heavy for me (even though it's pretty much as light as a DSLR can get, especially with my kit lens and prime lens) and I don't want to look like a massive tourist every day. Also, I feel DSLRs look quite intimidating to most people.

Originally I wanted to use my (new) phone as my everyday camera. I tried using it a few days but my battery would die by 3pm... So seeing as I had some money in my bank which was originally going to be for my laptop fund (but my brothers ended up buying one for me! :D) I decided that I would buy a 'serious' compact camera.

And I did it! Last Wednesday! I bought a Canon G1X!

It's not light, it's not small but the sensor is big and beautiful. I've gotten some really nice (but horribly composed) photos with a sharp foreground and pretty background blur (bokeh). The macro isn't very good, but there's more to life than extreme close ups of flowers and food (they're not my subjects of choice)! With 14.3 megapixels, I can always just crop photos in order to get an extreme close up. The autofocus speed and shutter lag is more like a point and shoot than a DSLR, but it still does the job (quite beautifully) for everyday photos of friends and the world around me.

I'm planning on carrying the camera around with me on most days so if I know you in real life, expect a camera around my neck!

The plan now is also to save up for a 'more serious' DSLR. After 3 years, I'm starting to feel like I've outgrown my Nikon D60... This will probably take a while, but there's no rush to upgrade. If I had just upgraded my DSLR without buying a smaller camera, I would only be able to use my DSLR on 'serious' occasions. This would mean that photography would become a smaller part of life, with little chance of taking photos normally! What a travesty that would be! =P

With this Canon G1X, I'll be able to wear my camera! I'm looking forward to that.

Okay, I hope I haven't bored you all with my ramblings of me justifying why I just spent so much money a new camera...

See you again soon, hopefully!